Friday, January 16, 2009

$825 Billion Stimulus Plan

You would think that any stimulus bill was meant to actually stimulate the economy. Not so with this Democrat-sponsored $825 billion boondoggle. You can read the bill at There aren't any hidden earmarks which Obama promised to veto. No, there's just straight out pork called a stimulus. Read it and you will be infuriated about what our elected representatives are doing to this country. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. The sponsors of the site also would like your help:

Wanted: Volunteers to Parse the Bill
Posted at 8pm on Friday, January 16th 2009

One of the additional features we want to add to is more detail on the actual dollar amounts being appropriated in the bill text. But to do that, we
need to extract out all the individual appropriations and put them in a
spreadsheet. Unfortunately, there's just no way to do that automagically, and so
that means we have to brute force it: have real live humans manually read each
page of the document and enter in the dollar appropriations into a collaborative

To that end, we're creating an online spreadsheet that can be edited by many folks simultaneously that we'll use to "crowdsource" the effort. If you have time this weekend and want to help out, please email us at

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