Wow! Obama seems to have acquired the dreaded "Foot-in-Mouth" disease. John Kerry had a bad case of it in 2004. It's funny that it comes around every four years and mainly to Democratic candidates for President.
In 1991 our family moved from a small city in Texas to a very small town in Arizona (Pop. 5000). Owning guns was like a prerequisite in order to live in this small western town. Our family had its ups and downs, but never did we get bitter during the tough times. We didn't cling to our guns or become prejudiced against people who weren't like us. We also didn't cling to our religion in the negative way Obama meant. Instead we clung to Jesus and placed our faith in Him. We had faith that the tough times would bring us closer to Jesus as He is our only hope. We know that He never leaves us and even when those tough times come as a consequence of bad choices we have made, we have assurance that He will get us through. I suppose some people grow bitter when they have their hopes pinned on a job or a relationship or their own control and power and they are let down. I guess some people even grow bitter because they feel the government has let them down.
I will admit to struggling with resentment and bitterness at different times in my life, but I have NEVER looked to government for salvation. That's just silly. Ronald Reagan said it best when he said that government wasn't the answer it was the problem. To that I add that Jesus is the answer. Fellowship with other believers is the answer. Holding each other up in prayer is the answer. The Bible is the answer.
I don't think Obama understands the role faith or religion plays in our lives. It makes me wonder what role faith or religion plays in his own life. He has attended an angry church for 20 years; his spiritual mentor is a man who preached that the US started the AIDS epidemic in order to wipe out black people. From the bits of his sermons that were on TV, it sure sounded like he was spewing hate at the US (translate: White America) for making all black people victims. If this is Obama's experience with religion I understand why he and so many followers believe that Obama is the answer. I wonder whether he has truly experienced a loving God. And therein lies the problem.
He has shown himself to be terribly out of touch with the average person whose faith is the answer and not an excuse. I only hope we hear more of what this man truly believes before Nov. 8.