Monday, December 8, 2008

"Christ and Culture"

I came across a blog post at the Weekly Standard about the new Princess Diana Bible. This fits into my "What Is This World Coming To?" category.

Katherine Eastland writes "this spring the New Mexico-based Revision Studios will publish the Princess Diana Bible, which argues that God thinks it’s better to be gay than straight. Why Pricess Di? Apparently, just because she did “many good works.” The PDB uses the King James Version and changes some of its words to make the Bible fit its agenda. (Note that the KJV is in the public domain and thus tweakable, unlike newer translations held under copyright.) Adam becomes “Aida,” a woman’s name. And so, in the beginning, God created woman and woman. (How could they be fruitful and multiply?) You can read all of Genesis at"

She also draws attention to a "Newsweek" article written by Lisa Miller entitled "Our Mutual Joy." Miller makes the religious case for gay marriage. Eastland also includes a link to where Mollie Hemingway provides an excellent analysis here.

More Parodies

If you want to hear more hilarious parodies, listen to Rush Limbaugh. Today's parody was of the song "She's Always a Woman To Me." In this one Paul Shanklin is singing as Bill Clinton about Hillary. It's called "She's Always A'bitchin' At Me." Hilarious. Possibly even better than "Banking Queen," but it's close. In this season of a new administration there are probably going to be alot of parodies, so listen to Rush to catch them.