In my devotional today the subject was being faithful to the Scriptures. Starting with the first lie of Satan to Eve that God didn't really mean what He said, the writer made the point that Satan is still peddling the same line.
"If you're sincere, it doesn't matter what you believe."
"We must not offend anyone."
"There is truth in the Bible, but not all the Bible is true."
"Jesus was a great philosopher like Mohammed and many things He said are relevant like feeding the hungry, rescuing those living in poverty and not judging."
According to Paul, "All scripture is God-breathed," (2 Tim. 3:16) and Isaiah says "If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20.)
There are certain truths in this world, such as the number of pounds in a ton, the number inches in a foot, 2 + 2 = 4. These have always meant the same thing and people don't make their own interpretations. They are as relevant today as they always were. They have not changed with the times.
In the same way, the Word of God is as relevant today as throughout the history of all time. They are not to be shaped to fit our own beliefs just to rationalize our behaviors. They do not change with the times, with political philosophy or Hollywood. And scriptures are not to be picked and chosen out of context. I have heard more often than I care to count people say, "The Bible says not to judge and Christians are so judgmental." I heard Charles Barkley say this on CNN, although he identified all conservatives as judgmental Christians.
Does God mean what He says? Has He always meant what He says? And do I live like I believe it? Am I unfaithful to the Scriptures. I'm afraid I am in so many ways. But I know God can change me and give me a passionate desire to be faithful to what He says.
"The only foundation for... a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments." ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Considering Mortality
This morning I heard someone talk about how sickness makes him think about his own mortality after having the flu twice. He said when he dies, he wants to go peacefully in his sleep like his grandfather - -
Not screaming and howling like his passengers!
Not screaming and howling like his passengers!