These are the things I' been thinking about:
*Do you think Democrats know they are hypocritical?
*Why, in fast food restaurant restrooms, are employees told to wash their hands and then are provided only hand dryers? Do the powers that be understand that their employees with newly clean hands have to open the door with the disgustingly dirty handle? Whose was the genuis that came up with that?
*Why are there no purse hooks in mini-mart restrooms? I hate putting my purse on the dirty floor so I end up holding the straps in my mouth, which is precarious because if I happen to talk it would end up in the toilet.
*Why, with the supposed need to raise gas and cigarette taxes for bailouts and new entitlements, don't we raise taxes on alcohol?
*Why would anyone make a movie like "Swing Vote?" The Presidential election comes down to 1 vote? 1 person gets to decide? Why would anyone think, "Hey, this is a great idea for a movie - it could happen, you know!" I didn't see the movie - I just couldn't.
*And speaking of movies, I wonder: (1)Who thought a remake of Sabrina was a good idea? Did they really think someone else could play the roles of Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn? (2)Who thought another Indiana Jones moviewas a good idea? It was painful to watch Ford attempting to swashbuckle again after all these years. (3)Why do the good and entertaining movies come out in the summer and all the dark, violent movies at Christmas? (4)Why is Woody Allen still making movies? He hasn't made a good move in 20 years. (5)Who thought of putting Robert Downey, Jr. in "Ironman?" Give that guy a raise and an Oscar! And (6) What has given Hollywood the idea that we enjoy their acceptance speeches with their political viewpoints mixed in? Get on and get off - we all know you hate Bush.
*Why are gay men so flamboyant? They didn't used to be? And where did they pick it up? There mothers, their straight fathers? And why do they see the need to broadcast their sexual preference. I don't broadcast my heterosexuality so why do they have to broadcast theirs?
*Why do we allow people to vote when they have no idea what the issues are? Elections are not popularity contests.
*Why do people want to totally disgrace themselves on reality TV shows like "Bad Girls?" I don't watch the show, but I've seen the ads. And what kind of work do they expect to find after they leave the show? Banker? CEO? Minister?
*Why did Lindsay Lohan have to grow up?
*Why do gossip magazines trumpet "How _______ _____ lost weight," or "How ________ ________ stays thin?"Chances are that any diet/exercise program they claim to be following is not the whole story. Besides it's so easy for them because they have personal trainers and housekeepers who cook for them. They should live my life.
*Will Bravo TV ever create another reality show that's not a clone of Project Runway? Please - a little originality!
*Why hasn't Kate Winslett won an Oscar, yet? She turns in incredible performances movie after movie. She gets nominated every year, but has never won. This may be her year, though.
*How do Ebay sellers get all these brand new electronic items that are "New In Box" (NIB) and never opened? This Christmas I was trying to find a Wii Fit, but no store had one. Not one. None. Nada. But I go on Ebay and there are hundreds of them; brand new; in original packaging and more than what would be in a store, if a store had them. I'd like to know where they shop.
*Why does Lifetime TV show 2 episodes of the "Golden Girls" every stinking night? Even 1 episode is too much. I'm exposed to this because I watch "Fraiser" which is on before. And I can't change the channel fast enough before that stupid song starts playing . . . "Thank you for being my friend . . ." There must be another syndicated show they can get. Enough already!
That's all for now. If anyone can answer any of the above, let me know.