Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Predictions for 2009

These are random predictions for the next year. Maybe some of them will actually happen.

* Oklahoma will beat Florida for the national championship.
* Tiger Woods will return to the PGA stronger and better than ever before and add more championships to his record.
* The University of Arizona football program will be dominant in the PAC 10 while Arizona State flounders. ASU head coach Dennis Ericson will be fired.
* The Detroit Lions will have a winning season and possibly go to the playoffs since they will have the easiest schedule.
* The Miami Dolphins will not make it to the playoffs because of the much harder schedule they will have.
* Brett Favre will retire and un-retire in a matter of months, maybe weeks.

Dallas Cowboys:
* Jerry Jones will continue to screw up the Cowboys by making more bad trades and draft picks.
* The Cowboys will let Brad Johnson go and sign a good back-up quarterback who will start when Tony Romo is benched in December.
* They will consider signing Brett Favre after he un-retires.
* Tony Romo will have more fumbles and interceptions than the last 3 years combined and will blame Jason Garrett, the offensive line, his receivers, Wade Phillips, the new stadium, the crowd, artificial turf, grass turf, the guys selling beer in the stadium, Barack Obama, traffic, inflation, products he endorses, crabgrass, rain, lightening, flies, but not Jessica Simpson!
* Wade Phillips will stay as head coach because it doesn't matter who the coach is, Jerry Jones still runs the team.
* Jason Garrett will sign with another team and be proclaimed an offensive genius since he won't be working for Jerry Jones anymore.
* T.O. will be re-signed; Pacman Jones will be gone.
* Right after the 2009 season Tony Romo will be traded and continue to have problems holding on to the ball with his new team. He will become a back-up quarterback and given the month of December off.
* Romo and Jessica Simpson will not get married.

* Heath Ledger will deservedly win an Oscar for his role as the Joker in "The Dark Knight."
* Meryl Streep will win best actress Oscar for her role in "Doubt."
* Kate Winslett will, undeservedly, again not win an Oscar though she will be nominated in 2 acting categories.
* Tom Cruise's star power will continue to fade.
* Barack Obama will be named People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" as well as Time's "Person of the Year."

* Obama will be given credit for winning the war in Iraq.
* Obama will raise payroll taxes. Bush will be blamed.
* Obama will fire all US Attorneys including Patrick Fitzgerald as soon as he takes office.
* There will be no tax cuts this year. Bush will be blamed.
* There will be a minor terrorist attack on the homeland for which Bush will be blamed. Obama will let the UN handle it after waffling on what to do.
* Obama will send Hillary Clinton to the Middle East to broker a peace deal between Israel and Hamas, but in the end will fail as Hamas' goal is to destroy Israel.
* The mainstream media will continue its love affair with all things Obama and more and more of the public will turn to the internet for its news.

* A form of universal health care will pass and we'll see the beginning of rationing.
* Joe Biden will continue to embarrass himself. Bush will be blamed.
* Hillary Clinton will make monthly appearances on the Sunday news shows while Joe Biden will be seen mostly at State funerals overseas.
* The Republican Party will get itself together and energize the conservative movement in time for the 2010 mid-term elections.
* Jeb Bush will announce he is running to replace Mel Martinez as Florida Senator.
* Congress will spend most of its time hauling Bush officials before investigative committees to try to get enough information to prosecute President Bush, VP Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
* The economy will continue in recession until tax cuts are put in place, which won't happen in 2009. Bush will be blamed.
* Israel, knowing it can no longer depend on US support, will take pre-emptive actions against Iran and Syria.
*Newspapers circulations will continue to decline as advertisers move their ad dollars to alternative media. We'll see more newspapers dropping daily deliveries.

* My husband and I will lose weight and our health will be restored.
* I will have a daily quiet time and do my Bible Study Fellowship homework on a daily basis instead of waiting until the day before.
* My husband and I will agree on a church to join and the Lord will lead me to serve in some way.
* I will be offered a job.
* I will still not be able to grow anything and more plants will needlessly die.
* I will learn to play drums on the expert level on Rock Band 2 and my kids will start letting me play it with them.
* Next Christmas I will not connect our Christmas Tree to "The Clapper" having learned my lesson this Christmas.