Friday, February 22, 2008

The Faith

I heard Charles Colson on Bill Bennett's radio talk show this morning. Colson has written a new book entitled The Faith. He makes the point that Christians are biblically illiterate today. The Bible is not read faithfully. Children no longer are steeped in the Word. Rather they are steeped in video games and TV. Children no longer hear about King David and his life an the life of Christ. They do not know about miracles or parables. The no longer know what Christians believe. Colson made a point that a majority of Christians think Sodom and Gomorrah were married. I fear for our culture if we do not know what Christians believe and why they should believe it. I am convicted about my own lack of knowledge but am I convicted enough to change? I hope I do.

Corporate Taxes

McCain and Obama differ greatly on corporate taxation. McCain wants to lower the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 25%. Obama who has demonized corporations thinks they are not paying enough. Anyone who has studied basic economics knows that raising taxes on corporations will drive them overseas along with jobs. We've lost jobs to other countries because the cost of doing business in the US is too expensive to continue to stay in the US. McCain, on the other hand, understands that when corporate tax rates are reduced there is an incentive for companies to stay here and produce more and hire more. With that government revenues will increase just as the Reagan and Bush tax cuts have proved.

Obama's Substance

I read an article by David Limbaugh about Obama's flowery speech. He is not empty headed and given to lofty oratory inspiring hope by platitudes. According to Limbaugh, "His generalities-laden, silver-tongued optimism conceals a hard-core leftist blueprint for this country that would make Dennis Kucinich look like Milton Friedman." Obama's speech reveals a lack of realism. His is the false hope that his plans are going to be easy. That change will automatically happen once he is sworn in. In this he is either believing his own rhetoric or deceptive. He will have to deal with the public who don't want retreat from Iraq just as we on the cusp of winning because of the long-term effects a surrender will have on terrorist groups who desire our destruction. What will he do if the US attacked again? Will he resort to negotiations or action? Will the public support socialized health care once our taxes are raised to the point of not having any discretionary income? And what will the people do with more entitlement programs? And what about dealing with the Republicans in Congress? Obama is the most liberal member of the Senate. I've found that liberals tend to be about feeling good while conservatives tend to consider the long-term consequences of such feel-good programs. An Obama presidency will give the people less freedom as Big Brother tells us what to buy and how to live.

Mrs. Obama

I was doing my daily reading of articles at I found one entitled "Habla Usted English, Mrs. Obama?" This dealt with the statement she made about being proud of America for the first time in her life. Afterwords Barack's spinmeisters stated what Mrs. Obama really meant. “What she meant is that she’s really proud at this moment because for the first time in a long time, thousands of Americans who’ve never participated in politics before are coming out in record numbers to build a grass-roots movement for change.” If that is what she meant, why didn't she say exactly that? She's a priveliged Princeton graduate who, I would assume, was able to go to an Ivy league school because she was able to communicate exactly what she meant before graduation. Princeton doesn't exactly graduate slackers. I doubt she had to have someone else translate what she meant during her college years. So why now? Frankly I believe she caculated exactly what she said in order to show that she is one of the people. Of course I have to ask if the Obama's who together make over $1 million a year, live in a $1.6 million dollar home and whose children attend private prep schools are really one of the people.