Monday, January 5, 2009

Republican Compromise

Mitch McConnell (Senate Minority Leader) has said that Senate Republicans may accept Obama's stimulus package in exchange for including the GOP and not rushing the bill. Well, why wait? The Democrats will do what they want anyway.

McConnell (R- Kentucky) barely won his re-election bid and Republicans have reaped the consequences of their "compromises" in the last two elections. I would have thought McConnell would have learned a lesson from Republican losses, but maybe that is too much to hope for.

The majority of the public don't want this "New Deal" package, yet instead of standing strong with the people, they grovel at the Democrats feet for a few bones. Haven't they learned that the Democrats always promise one thing to get Republican cooperation and then do what they want to anyway.

Republican lawmakers in the Senate (House Republicans are much more responsive to the people) naively keep doing the same thing, giving the Dems what they want believing the Dems will listen to them. It never happens. And they continue to lose seats and wonder why.

This is what causes me to lose faith in the Party. If I weren't a committed Republican I wouldn't vote any longer. I'll never vote for a Democrat and I know that not voting for the Republican candidate is a vote for the Democrat. I just can't do that, but I sure let the Republican Senators know about it. You can do the same thing by going to You can send an email to any Senator not like with the House where you can contact only your Representative. I did this (as millions did) during the immigration debate and it worked. McConnell was leaning toward the bill but came out against it after hearing from so many. So start contacting Senators to let them know when you are uphappy and when you are pleased with them. They need encouragement and praise as much as we do.