Friday, February 29, 2008

Mitch McConnell ROCKS!

Senate Republicans did themselves well when they elected Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Minority Leader in 2007. He has what the past 2 (Trent Lott and Bill Frist) Republican Majority Leaders were missing: a pair of big ones. He also has a backbone that hasn't turned to mush. He is bipartisan, but understands the values of the Republican party and listens to those he represents. For example, he was on the fence with McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill, but after the outcry by the majority of the country and an overwhelming outcry by Republicans he decided to lead the Minority against the bill, which did not pass.

This time he played Harry Reid (D-Nevada) like a harp. Reid wanted to bring up bills requiring immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. Or didn't he? He figured McConnell would rouse the minority to prevent the 60 votes needed to bring the bills to the floor for debate as he's done in the past. This has been used by both parties to accuse each other of partisanship. Reid never thought the bills would never make it to the floor for debate. This time, however, McConnell did the unexpected and the bills will make it to the floor for debate. His strategy is to have both sides of the aisle on the record, which will hopefully work in Republican's favor in the upcoming election. I love it!