In case you missed it, last week at the Denver mayor's State of the City Address, singer Rene Marie substituted the National Anthem with what has been called the Black National Anthem. This she did without prior notification to city officials. She didn't even ask permission. That city officials stood by and let it go says much about where our nation is heading. Feelings over thinking. She felt that she should sing it because it illustrated what it is like being black and being a black woman.
Radio talk show host, Dennis Prager, has written a thoughtful article about how narcissism has taken over our behavior since the 1960's. Please take the time to read it.
"The only foundation for... a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments." ~Dr. Benjamin Rush
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Obama's Veep Choice
Rightwing Nuthouse has a good post on the number of politicians who have said they're not interested in being Veep. That's interesting for the mere fact that 8 years in an Obama administration would catapault them to viable candidates for the Presidency in 8 years. (Ht: Michelle Malkin)
It's an interesting post. Check it out.
It's an interesting post. Check it out.
143 Days
Rush Limbaugh this morning pointed out that Obama has spent 143 days in the Senate. And this, in addition to his time as a "community activist" - whatever that is - makes him qualified to be President? Think about it.
Daily Bread
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free. Galations 5:1
It's been a few days since July 4 but I want to write about liberty. We were liberated from the tyranny of the English monarchy, however, that liberty came at a high price. It seems we center our thoughts and celebration on our nation's birthday and the signing of the Declaration of Independence which is appropriate. But a part of that day is that we have that day at all. The men who fought for our independence should be part of our remembrance that day. Liberty is not free and there were those who gave everything for our country to be free.
The ultimate liberty we have came through Christ's sacrifice. We are no longer slaves to sin, but have been freed. Liberty is never free. We can't wish it into existence; we can't work hard enough for it; we can't earn it. Our liberty from sin demanded a sacrifice and Christ paid for our freedom from sin with His life. He paid for eternal life for us that we may be in heaven with the Lord forever. It's hard to accept such a gift - we are accustomed to working hard for what we have and sometimes feeling like we haven't earned it. But the miracle of Christ's death was given to those who accept Him. Christ has given us eternal life with His sacrifice and we celebrate that sacrifice.
"Salvation is infinitely costly but absolutely free." (RBC Ministries)
It's been a few days since July 4 but I want to write about liberty. We were liberated from the tyranny of the English monarchy, however, that liberty came at a high price. It seems we center our thoughts and celebration on our nation's birthday and the signing of the Declaration of Independence which is appropriate. But a part of that day is that we have that day at all. The men who fought for our independence should be part of our remembrance that day. Liberty is not free and there were those who gave everything for our country to be free.
The ultimate liberty we have came through Christ's sacrifice. We are no longer slaves to sin, but have been freed. Liberty is never free. We can't wish it into existence; we can't work hard enough for it; we can't earn it. Our liberty from sin demanded a sacrifice and Christ paid for our freedom from sin with His life. He paid for eternal life for us that we may be in heaven with the Lord forever. It's hard to accept such a gift - we are accustomed to working hard for what we have and sometimes feeling like we haven't earned it. But the miracle of Christ's death was given to those who accept Him. Christ has given us eternal life with His sacrifice and we celebrate that sacrifice.
"Salvation is infinitely costly but absolutely free." (RBC Ministries)