Thursday, November 11, 2010


Earmarks have been demonized and made the focus of conservatives and especially members of the Tea Party. I'm of two minds. First there are earmarks the Representatives add to bills that are needed and necessary, such as military needs. I support these earmarks as long as they are transparent - who, what and cost - and as long as they are posted on the internet for Americans to read.

It's the surreptitious earmarks that are slipped into big bills that have nothing to do with the bill. Mostly these earmarks are for projects in a Congressman's district. Using a random bill to "bribe" voters to re-elect him.Remember the "Road to Nowhere?" In this case I support eliminating these earmarks. If you believe something that is in the best interest of your district, there's no need to hide it. However, instead of eliminating earmarks altogether, Congress needs to consider them item by item. This would allow the voters to weigh in and there would finally be accountability to the voters.

Who, what, why and how much. Sounds like a good battle cry.

Hope For Change

Remember during the 2008 election Barack Obama's battle cry was "hope and change." It's turned out that while a lot of change has happened much has left us with little hope. That is, of course, before the mid-term elections last week. The Republican party picked up over 60 House seats and 6 Senate seats. Democrats still hold the majority in the Senate, but they can't quite run roughshod over the other side of the aisle because they will need Republican support to pass bills.

Ah, and there's the rub. For too long have Republicans compromised with Democrats without reciprocation. The Republicans who were running for the first time and winning offered a new "hope and change." Finally we have representatives in Congress who have listened to the American people and promised change. Democrats were thrown out because they had the arrogance to tell us that they know what is best for us. The people disagreed. The health care bill was pushed through in the middle of the night which will gut the best medical system in the world. 70% of Americans were against it, yet they didn't listen. The people were against the $800 billion stimulus to bail out banks and takeover GM. And there again Congress ignored us. No wonder there had to be a Tea Party. And no wonder they went out and found candidates who would listen and act on behalf the people.

And so we elected these young, conservative men and women who have pledged to hear what the people are saying. They have promised hope FOR change. But let it be said that these new elected officials are on probation. If we don't see the changes they'll be thrown out as well. If I was a long-time Congressman who holds on to the status quo I'd be shaking in my boots.

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's the Economy, Stupid

Numbers don't lie. The title of this post is what Bill Clinton ran on in 1992 & won. Now it's the Republicans hue & cry for the upcoming election. Our economy is in a recession that is not likely to end soon. The numbers for growth, jobs, consumer confidence, etc., are simply estimates & in this administration the numbers are almost always revised downward as the economists analyze the actual data. The savings rate is increasing which would be a good thing except those dollars aren't being used for purchases. Demand for goods and services is declining as uncertainty about the economy is rising. In January there will be even less disposable income as the largest tax increase in history takes place.

The Obama administration continues to whine about this being President Bush's economy, but it's Obama's now. Remember that $800 billion "stimulus?" It's been a failure and, in fact, it's not all been spent. There is news today reporting that only 8% of the budgeted green industry has been distributed. And Obama along with the Democrat Congress want another stimulus. They just voted for $29 billion to bail out teacher & public employee unions. That money is going to the retirement and health care benefit funds. But what about the people's 401K plans and health care benefits? I guess we're out of luck.

It's almost a certainty that there will be a Republican majority in the House after the election. A Senate majority is in question, but Republicans will likely pick up enough seats and no longer be shut out of the bill writing process. Since appropriation bills come out of the House it's possible that the uncontrolled spending will come to an end.

This country is on the path to bankruptcy and socialism. "We the People" have to stand up and make a difference this November.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Off Her Rocker

Today I read an article at Newsbusters entitled "Roseanne Barr: Nazi Leaders Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler Were Jewish." Barr, who has never been accused of being a mental giant, said the Nazis created the Zionists - a hybrid of Jewish mentality and German resolve, which she called a "mutant human." Huh? Her insane rant can be found at

The ignorance quotient in Hollywood never ceases to amaze me.