Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Family Gift

I am currently with our extended family. We gathered in San Angelo, Texas for my father-in-law's memorial service, which turned out to be a celebration of his life. We also celebrated his passage into the presence of Jesus where there is no more pain, no more trials and tribulation and no more disappointments. There were relatives from his family as well as my mother-in-law's family. (She passed on almost a year ago.) We learned so many things about Ron's early life and the things that influenced him to become a great and humble man. It's too bad that deaths in the family are the catalysts that bring us together because we are a great family. My sister-in-law, Becky, commented that with Ron and Faye no longer with us, we would have to be deliberate about getting together more often than funerals and weddings. Ron and Faye seemed to be the initiators of family gatherings, so with them no longer with us, it would be our responsibility to plan to be together.

My husband has 3 brothers and a sister. His brothers and sister are all married with children, and the children are growing and having children of their own. We were introduced to my nephew's new wife and the family finally got to meet our own daughter-in-law and grandson. One of the greatest aspects of our family is that we are all close; the brothers and their wives, the sister with all of us and our children are friends with each other. We live all over the country so getting together takes an effort. But what a reward when we do!

I have 2 older brothers but they are somewhat older than me so I really grew up as an only child. I longed for a big family and finally got one when I married my husband. They are a treasure to me, a blessing I do not deserve. But who deserves the gift of a large loving family? Were it not for the grace of God, we would be alone in the world. Our family doesn't share just bloodlines, we also shares the bond of the blood of Jesus and THAT is the biggest blessing.

I hope, whatever the size of your family, that you will experience the gift that family is.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


My father-in-law passed away. I haven't felt much like posting to my blog. The memorial service is next week, and I'm sure after everything is taken care of, I'll be back.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Add Value To Others

"Help your brothers," is what God said to Isreal's leaders. How long were they to help their brothers? "Until they too have taken possession of the land that God is giving them" (Jos. 1:14-15.)

That's a long time. What if they were to fall on their way to the promised land? Would it be okay to move on leaving them behind? Of course not! One theme running through the Bible is endurance. We are supposed to finish the race. Sometimes we'll be running while at other times we'll just be plodding along barely able to just put one foot in front of the other. I know alot about plodding, both physically and spiritually. When I'm plodding, more often than not, I'll sit down. I'll tell myself that I just can't go on and I'll start again later. But what if I were carrying someone to safety? I'd probably want to sit down, but I'll go on to get the job done and then I'll rest.

We are told to finish. Israel was told to finish. People are depending on us to finish so they might fulfill the promises of God. Here's the question: Do I do that which is only for my benefit or do I add value to others? I know what God has commanded me to do: endure, finish, complete. And in the process add value to others.

Did You Hear This?

Yesterday Geraldine Ferraro said publicly that if Obama were white or a woman he would never be in this position. WOW! Today she's come under so much fire from Democrats but has stuck by her words.

I think she voiced what many Democrats feels, but don't dare say.

Personally I think she's right. No one would take seriously a white man or a woman who's served in the Senate a mere 2 years. But very few question Obama and he's been given a pass by the press.


UPDATE: Ferraro has resigned as an adivsor to the Clinton campaign. She's still standing by her words.

Last Post About Spitzer

I'm tired of the story already. I don't wish to know all the details of his trysts with prostitutes. I hope this is my last post on the subject.

I did want to make this one comment. Don't you think the silence from Democrats was deafening? Even though Spitzer was not liked by those who knew him, and I assume that means Democrats, I don't recall one Democrat on the national scene calling for his resignation.

Democrats have been pointing the finger at Republicans for being the party of corruption. There are GOP politicians who have fallen, but as soon as information about them is made public, Democrats are standing before the press calling for their resignation and linking their mistakes to all Republican politicians. And the press serves as the megaphone for the Democratic party.

How do we, as Republicans, convince the public that there is more corruption in the other party? It would be extremely difficult given the liberal preferences of the press. But there must be some way. I get discouraged when the public is ignorant of the corruption in the Democratic party. We must find a way to show who we really are despite the bias of the press.

Private Failings

He resigned. Eliot Spitzer will no longer be Governor of New York come Monday. It will be interesting to see if federal prosecutors will make a deal with him or throw the book at him. I'm sure Spitzer and his attorneys are trying to work some sort of deal. He's certainly thrown the book at corporations and officers of those corporations. He's stood before the press and accused corporate officers of receiving too much compensation. He's also prosecuted prostitution rings. I think so many Democrats voiced support for his resignation because he's not very likable. (CORRECTION: I was incorrect regarding Democrats calling for Spitzer's resignation. Actually it was Republicans in the state legislature who called for his resignation and gave him a deadline to resign or face impeachment.) For years as New York Attorney General he's presented himself as a white knight while those who found themselves targeted saw him as holier-than-thou.

I watched his press conference this morning and I was struck by his use of the words "private failings." He said it at least twice as if to convince the audience that this was simply a private matter between him and his family. He did admit to failing the people of New York, but he emphasized "private failings."

This was the same talking point of Bill Clinton. "It's just about sex. It's about his personal life and doesn't have anything to do with his presidency." It was a private failing on his part or so his minions tried to convince us.

In Spitzer's case, however, this really isn't all about private failings. While this certainly affects his family and friends, this was a public failing. He broke numerous laws. The story of how he came under suspicion is confusing to me. There seems to be a new piece of the puzzle everyday. Today I heard that banks were first suspicious when money was moved around. They are obligated to report such activity especially when it concerns a public official. Evidently at least one account was for a shell corporation. TheIRS suspects tax evasion in cases like this. I'm sure we'll learn more and more about it as time goes on. Most likely we'll be sick of hearing about it!

As much as he would like to convince us or as much as he, himself, believes it, this is not about private failings. It's about criminal behavior.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eliott Spitzer

How could I not blog about this?

Governor Spitzer of New York was caught with his pants down yesterday as news leaked out about a federal investigation of a prostitution ring. In turns out Governor Spitzer was a patron of this ring and had been wiretapped soliciting a prostitute from the business. This is the same Spitzer who, as Attorney General of New York, prosecuted such prostitution rings because of their ties to organized crime.

Well, well, well!

Spitzer isn't even a Republican and there are cries for him to resign. This rarely happens to Democrats. Bill Clinton got away with sex with an intern in the White House and then lying under oath. William Jefferson (D-LA) seems to have gotten away with stuffing $100,000 in his freezer. He's under federal investigation for this, but there he is, still serving in the House of Representatives. I guess there's a double-standard for Democrats. What about Barney Franks (D-MA), openly gay, whose partner was running a prostitution business from their home? The last time I checked he was still there, getting re-elected time after time. Democrats seem to have a penjant for looking the other way when it concerns one of their own.

Yesterday I heard James Carville say on CNN that people shouldn't make a big deal of it if it was one of two times. Today I heard some say that this wouldn't be a big deal if prostitution was legal and that it should be legalized. (Hmmm. I'll bet murder wouldn't be that big a deal if only it was legalized!)

Spitzer is probably not going to survive this because according to press reports he's been patronizing this particular ring since 2002 and has spent somewhere around $80,000. And there's something a little fishy with these payments; they were moved around accounts. And to make it even worse these reports hint at Sptizer requesting some "special" activities of the prostitutes. Now that is truly too much information, but no one with half a brain can stick his head in the sand and say it doesn't matter.

I imagine Spitzer may be trying to figure out how to salvage his political career. I don't think he can. He has been mentioned as a possible candidate for president in the future. Will the people forget or will something like this actually become "no big deal" in the future?

It is almost a given that Spitzer is a sexual addict. Men don't spend $80,000 on hookers unless it's a compulsion. A gambler who has just lost $80,000 gambling is compulsive. Bill O'Reilly thinks Spitzer was wanting to get caught because he's self-destructive. I disagree. Yes, he's self-destructive as any addict is. But I doubt he wanted to get caught. I doubt he thought he would ever be caught. But there it is. Monday he was at a place he never thought he would be.

I pity his poor wife who had to stand at his side during a painful news conference. Most of all I feel so sorry for his children. It's too bad he didn't think twice before putting them all in this nightmarish situation.

Most of all I pity the citizens whose country is, as Robert Bork writes, is "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Apartment

I've added "The Apartment" to my list of movies to see at least once. It is directed by Billy Wilder who wrote "Sabrina," "Some Like It Hot" and "Stalag 17" in addition to "The Apartment." These are just a few of his screenplays and there are many of his screenplays that he directed and/or produced as well.

A favorite of mine, "The Apartment" is about a not-so-good girl who meets a rather nebbish good man in an interesting way. Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine are believable in their roles. All in all a really good movie to put on your "Must See" list.

"The Apartment" is on TCM tomorrow night (Saturday, March 8) at 8:00 EST.

"A Spoonful of Rhetoric"

Today at National Review Online, Charles Krauthammer writes about Obama and whether we really know him. In fact he says the only way McCain and Clinton can defeat an opponent as dazzlingly new and fresh as Obama is to ask: Do you really know this guy?

Good point. If you ask people who support Obama why they support him you'll not hear actual accomplishments as a freshman Senator. You'll hear an adoration and awe as one might experience in church. Of course in the church setting the object of awe and adoration is God, not man. Ask any supporter why he supports Obama and you'll hear things like he's articulate, that he will unite the country (the how seems unimportant), that he gives us hope. So basically supporters swoon for his rhetoric. Really, they swoon, if you've been watching the reporters following his campaign. Women have fainted as they are as overcome with his rhetoric. His rallies have been likened to religious revivals.

"Obama coats the bitter pill of his myopic leftism in super-sweet sophistry," says Krauthammer. In grandiose terms he says he is a healer, a uniter, a conciliator, but never gives us the details. Yes, there will be college education for everyone, healthcare for everyone and a chicken in every pot. Who he is will be found in the details. So far there have been no details; what does that tell us about who he is?

Big Brother Is Watching

Yesterday as I watched coverage of the bombing of the military recruiting office in New York City, I saw the photographs of the bomber approach the building. It bothered me even though I know cameras are all around us. I wonder if those cameras will become 'Big Brother.'

I support whatever it takes to defeat terrorism. However, I am concerned that one day terrorism will be interpreted to include the activities in our lives that we take for granted. I wonder what will happen with a federal government that wants to control more and more of our lives, Will attending church be considered a terrorist activity or bad for society? What about smoking or home-schooling or having a carbon footprint too large?

I trust the Bush administration to respect our right to privacy, but I wouldn't trust any liberal administration. That may seem biased but it's liberals who don't seem to trust an individual to make choices for himself. Which is why they are bent on expanding a federal government where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. It only takes a liberal federal judiciary to redefine privacy that limits just about everything we do.

We need to be vigilant and vocal about our right to privacy and elect conservative representatives who will respect and defend our right to privacy. We need to elect a President who will appoint Supreme Court Justices who are strict constructionists of the Constitution and who won't redefine privacy. Or we may find Big Brother watching us.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"All Scripture is God-Breathed"

In my devotional today the subject was being faithful to the Scriptures. Starting with the first lie of Satan to Eve that God didn't really mean what He said, the writer made the point that Satan is still peddling the same line.

"If you're sincere, it doesn't matter what you believe."

"We must not offend anyone."

"There is truth in the Bible, but not all the Bible is true."

"Jesus was a great philosopher like Mohammed and many things He said are relevant like feeding the hungry, rescuing those living in poverty and not judging."

According to Paul, "All scripture is God-breathed," (2 Tim. 3:16) and Isaiah says "If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20.)

There are certain truths in this world, such as the number of pounds in a ton, the number inches in a foot, 2 + 2 = 4. These have always meant the same thing and people don't make their own interpretations. They are as relevant today as they always were. They have not changed with the times.

In the same way, the Word of God is as relevant today as throughout the history of all time. They are not to be shaped to fit our own beliefs just to rationalize our behaviors. They do not change with the times, with political philosophy or Hollywood. And scriptures are not to be picked and chosen out of context. I have heard more often than I care to count people say, "The Bible says not to judge and Christians are so judgmental." I heard Charles Barkley say this on CNN, although he identified all conservatives as judgmental Christians.

Does God mean what He says? Has He always meant what He says? And do I live like I believe it? Am I unfaithful to the Scriptures. I'm afraid I am in so many ways. But I know God can change me and give me a passionate desire to be faithful to what He says.

Considering Mortality

This morning I heard someone talk about how sickness makes him think about his own mortality after having the flu twice. He said when he dies, he wants to go peacefully in his sleep like his grandfather - -

Not screaming and howling like his passengers!