Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Last Post About Spitzer

I'm tired of the story already. I don't wish to know all the details of his trysts with prostitutes. I hope this is my last post on the subject.

I did want to make this one comment. Don't you think the silence from Democrats was deafening? Even though Spitzer was not liked by those who knew him, and I assume that means Democrats, I don't recall one Democrat on the national scene calling for his resignation.

Democrats have been pointing the finger at Republicans for being the party of corruption. There are GOP politicians who have fallen, but as soon as information about them is made public, Democrats are standing before the press calling for their resignation and linking their mistakes to all Republican politicians. And the press serves as the megaphone for the Democratic party.

How do we, as Republicans, convince the public that there is more corruption in the other party? It would be extremely difficult given the liberal preferences of the press. But there must be some way. I get discouraged when the public is ignorant of the corruption in the Democratic party. We must find a way to show who we really are despite the bias of the press.

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