Monday, January 12, 2009

Eric Holder, Next Attorney General?

Eric Holder, Janet Reno's #2 at the Justice Department during the Clinton Administration, has been nominated for Attorney General by Obama. The problem is his past decisions as Reno's #2. From the Elian Gonzalez deportation to Cuba to the tragedy at the Branch Davidian compound to the pardons of Puerto Rican terrorists, his involvement makes him unqualified to be the next Attorney General.

Pragmatic Republican Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) says he'll back Holder because he happens to like Obama and thinks he should give Obama the benefit of the doubt. "I like Barack Obama and want to help him if I can." This is exactly the problem with these pragmatic Republicans - they make decisions based on emotions rather than the facts. Senator Hatch demonstrates that he doesn't really care about qualifications or representing the will of the people, he wants Obama to like him. (To paraphrase Stuart Smalley: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, Obama likes me.")

What we can do about this. (1) Contact Senator Hatch at (202) 224- 5251 and Tell him why he should block Holder's nomination by presenting the facts about Holder. Please be polite and not emotional. Just explain why you oppose his position. (2) Contact Republican Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell (who does not support Holder) at (202) 224-2541 and Thank him for his position and ask him to pressure Senator Hatch. (3) Contact Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ), minority Whip, at (202) 224-4521 and and ask him to also pressure Senator Hatch. As minority Whip it is his job to bring Republican Senators in line with the party's position. And (4) Keep contacting them to keep the pressure on. They do respond to these contacts. If it hadn't been for citizens who opposed the immigration bill flooding the phone banks and email inboxes the bill would have become law. We changed the minds of our representatives. They listen.

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