Monday, July 7, 2008

Mandatory Volunteerism

Mandatory Volunteerism. Mandatory volunteerism. Mandatory Volunteerism. Mandatory Volunteerism. What an oxymoron (definition:1657, from Gk. oxymoron, noun use of neut. of oxymoros (adj.) "pointedly foolish," from oxys "sharp" (see acrid) + moros "stupid." Rhetorical figure by which contradictory terms are conjoined so as to give point to the statement or expression.")

Sound familiar? That was John Kerry's proposal during his Presidential campaign in 2004. According to a speech, Obama pledged requiring middle and high school students "... 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year." More government interference in our lives. Less freedom to choose how to spend our time. Where has freedom of choice. It's my belief that when a teenager is forced to do something especially something like picking trash up on the highway, he will resist. There are those who a very willing to volunteer to help their country, but there will probably many more who will resent being told they have to. This happens in paying jobs. What makes liberals think something like this will work? All the young people who are ga-ga for Obama haven't really thought about having to give 100 volunteer hours during college. It may sound good as a theory, but when they have to put it into practice I believe resentment for our government will grow at lightening speed and then see what happens to those young people.

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