Friday, January 16, 2009

Should We Want Obama to Succeed?

I hear a lot of conservatives and Republicans saying they want Obama to suceed, but I don't want him to be a success. Success for Obama means that he will be able to implement his liberal program. While that would be success for him, for the rest of us it means a loss of liberty and an expansion of government. It would mean universal government health care, which means rationing and long waits for even minor surgery for the rest of us. His success would mean throwing more money at education which will never reach the classroom. He will be successful at shutting down conservative talk radio. Perhaps the most troublesome "success" will be his policies that will make us the most vulnerable to terrorist attacks on our homeland.

In other words he will succeed at squashing everything conservatives stand for. So I hope he fails miserably and Republicans make a comeback in 2010 in order to stop his far-left agenda. But I do pray for wisdom for him.

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