Monday, November 24, 2008

Hope and . . . Change?

We are now looking at Bill Clinton's third term rather than Bush's had John McCain been elected. Why? Because Obama is filling his Cabinet and other positions of power with the Clinton Adminstration's former officials. I believe he's doing this because he lacks any association with people with true government experience. Who are his peers, his advisors? Well, there's the convicted Tony Rezco who was a big contributor to Obama's various campaigns. He also helped the Obama's purchase their multi-million dollar home in one of Chicago's most exclusive subburbs. Then there's William Ayers, the unrepentent terrorist. Ayers hosted Obama's "coming out" fundraiser when he first ran for office in Illinois. His peers and associates also include most of the corrupt political figures of Chicago politics. (Chicago is known for its political corruption and cronyism.) Which of these supporters would he dare put in his Cabinet? So where does he go? Clinton's former officials and cronies.

This doesn't look like much change to me.

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