Thursday, June 26, 2008

2nd Amendment Ruling

The Supreme Court got it right, finally. Although by a slim majority - 5 to 4. It's frightening to think that 4 Justices wanted to admend the 2nd amendment by judicial fiat. That the decision was so narrow ought to give us pause. It would only take Obama as President to appoint more activist justices to eventually throw out the 2nd amendment. This is why it is vital to not only elect John McCain, but to elect a majority of Republicans to the House and Senate. It will be disastrous to our individual rights should Democrats control the presidency, the House and the Senate. Obama's supported the decision - sort of - but maintained that local governments had the right to restrict gun ownership because we don't want guns in the hands of gangbangers and other criminals. He also said that individual rights can be limited by local governments "for the common good." Liberals are so upside down on this issue. They think if there guns are banned criminals won't have access to guns. Only criminals will have guns. Criminals break laws in order to be called criminals. Who thinks that they won't break gun laws as well? Liberals.

I had 2 different reactions to yesterday's ruling on the death penalty for child rapists in Lousiana. I don't believe in the death penalty where there is no murder. I think the death penalty should be restricted to murder cases and if they are extended to cases where there is no murder just how far will government go to penalize other non-murder crimes? I am most definitely for the death penality for murder and think that it's not given often enough. My second reaction was how often states' rights are subrogated by the Supreme Court. I believe in Federalism. States should have the freedom to enact their own laws without interference from the Supreme Court.

"We the people" is swiftly becoming "We the Supreme Court."

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