Friday, April 18, 2008

$40 Million for What?

It appears that and Media Matters (both George Soros organizations) will spend $40 million to smear John McCain. Unless he has some awfully big skeletons buried in a closet somewhere, how can they possibly smear a war hero? He's a man of integrity and honesty. He always tries to do the right thing, although Republicans may disagree. I was against his campaign finance reform bill and the immigration bill, but I know that he doesn't waver when opinion is against him. He's never changed his stance based on which way the wind is blowing. And he's bucked his own party numerous time so he can't be tagged as a far right ideologue.

What will George Soros get for his money? I bet there will be lots of well-placed rumors and innuendos published in the NY Times and other MSM, but I'm sure they will be of no substance. When the Times published the innuendo about McCain's relationship with a lobbyist, McCain has a news conference and answered every question. I believe he is exactly who he says he is and has nothing to hide.

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