Thursday, February 7, 2008

Why I Will Vote for McCain

I realize there are many conservatives who will refuse to vote for McCain and end up not voting at all. This is a huge mistake. Not voting is essentially voting for Hillary or Obama, which would be a disaster. Additionally voting for a third party candidate would lead to a Democrat in the White House. A third party candidate has never and will never win. A third party candidate simply takes votes from one of the two major party candidates. In 1992, Ross Perot ran as an independent and cost George H.W. Bush the election. In 2000, Ralph Nadar syphoned votes from Gore and Bush won by the barest of margins.

McCain's speech today encouraged me. He is conservative on the 2 most important issues for me: The war on Islamic fundamentalism and the Supreme Court. There are 3 Justices who will retire in the next couple of years. Would you rather President McCain appoint new Justices or President Clinton/Obama? He has promised to appoint strict-constructionist Justices like Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito. A Democratic President would appoint left-leaning activist judges like Ginsburg, Stephens and Souter. (Perish the thought!)

I encourage everyone to read the speech he made today at CPAC '08 as well as an excellent editorial at Opinion Journal about voting for McCain or suffering the consequences. I hope this will encourage you to at least be open about voting for McCain.

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